Attention Government Subversives and other Fascist Bastards:
This time, YOU read the fine print.  You are not welcome here.  You are loathsome parasites, and we sincerely hope your legs grow together--individually or collectively.  Get a real job doing something productive, or take a leave-of-absence to educate yourselves about freedom, individual rights and keeping your nose out of other peoples' business. You will be the first with your backs against the wall when the revolution comes.
Kindly piss off.
Your mama.
The Editorial Staff

I say not "give me liberty or give me death". I say I am born free and he who would deny me freedom risks his own death.

Please don't steal this image.

A vivid, factual, objective narrative concerning the Cannabis plant
The axiomatic truths you miss watching CNN


What does doobie do?  A scientific essay examining the effects of THC on  you and me
How to hook up
Weed Futures and Black Market Shopper's Companion
The authoritive, legendary layman's guide to mind expansion
Legal references and red tape;
concerning Nazi Jack-booted Police Thugs,
Terrocrats and other uniformed, mind-controlling criminals
Stashing your stash and keeping what's yours
The Official Pot-Smoker's Guide to the Galaxy Cookbook--Weedy eats, treats and confections from Munchie Guru Bill Cannabinoid
One makes the other better--
The symbiosis explained; links to online music, brain candy and other sources of harmonious, gratuitous mirth and uninhibited merriment.
Coming soon:  Streaming audio, The Pot-Smoker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio and THC-Tunes from Mostly Harmless--The Official Band of Earth
Films about, by or pertaining to pot
 Marijuana has played a huge role, either directly or indirectly in most film productions, but has yet to be nominated for a major award
How to put together your Secret Utility Kit
Better Bongs and Gardens
Simple projects teach you how to build
functional pot paraphernalia from
inexpensive and disposable household items
"The Paranoids" as a possible side effect of pot
Curbing Cannabis induced Carb Cravings
We can't remember where this link goes
Stoned Things for Fun People
Games and toys for weedy people
Weed Etiquette
Generally accepted guidelines for congregate consumption
When to Say When
How to know when you've had plenty 
Recommended Reading
Guide approved literature to free your mind
Sites we dig
Letters of appreciation and outrage
If you can't remember it

It is is really happening!  We are updating left and right.  Stay posted and stay high.


Submit your articles, photos, stories, links, notices of moral outrage, etc. here:  Rev. Chuckles the Sane, Sui Juris

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